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About God Shorts

God Shorts is a unique and anonymous website and YouTube channel that aims to provide daily inspiration through the combination of memory scriptures and short messages. Our mission is to spread the word of God and share His love with as many people as possible.

At God Shorts, we believe that all glory belongs to God and no one else. That is why we choose to remain anonymous. Our focus is solely on delivering meaningful content that uplifts and encourages individuals in their faith journey.

We understand that running a website and YouTube channel involves various costs, such as hosting, maintenance, and equipment. To help cover these expenses and ensure the continued operation of God Shorts, we welcome and appreciate any donations.

If you would like to support us and contribute to the growth of God Shorts, you can make a donation through our Patreon page. Patreon is a trusted platform that allows creators to receive financial support from their audience. Your generosity will directly contribute to the development and sustainability of our website and YouTube channel.

Thank you for considering supporting God Shorts. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of many by spreading the message of God’s love and grace.

Click here to make a donation and help us continue our mission.

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